What Fruits Can Cats Eat

If you’re a cat owner, then you are probably aware of the question of what fruits can cats eat. Our pets eat a lot and need all the vitamins and nutrients our diets provide.

However, not all of what they eat is nutritious. Many common foods that we think are nutritious actually contain little nutritional value and are even harmful to your pet.

Some of these unhealthy treats include various types of grapes, raisins, and dates. These fruits are highly nutritious, but they should only be consumed by cats on a very selective basis.

For example, you should never feed your cat raisins or grapes to compensate for a lack of fresh fruit in his diet. Also, do not feed your cat too many apples.

Apples are highly nutritious, but there are plenty of other fruits and vegetables in your pet’s diet, and he should get a fair amount of them.

When it comes to fruits and vegetables that are safe for cats to eat, there are several good ones.

Carrots, celery sticks, onions, fresh dandelion leaves, peas, beets, grapefruit, squash, cabbage, lettuce, and artichokes are all safe and provide a cat with a tasty and healthy snack. There is one type of fruit that should be avoided, however, and that is citrus fruits.

Citrus fruits should be a last resort for any cat owner. Though they are high in fiber, citrus fruits can cause an upset stomach when eaten in large amounts.

Large doses can even cause the vomit reflex to kick in and begin a process called bile reflux, which is very dangerous for cats.

To avoid this dangerous reaction to citrus fruits, it is best to feed them in very small quantities at long intervals that too only as a last resort. You can also prevent an upset stomach by serving your feline friend different fruits every day.

Some breeds of cats may like lemon and orange fruits more than other types. So you should research which ones your particular breed will enjoy before trying them out.

Be sure to keep some handy, as a sudden change in diet could cause severe diarrhea in your cat.

You may also find that giving your cat fruit juice instead of water can help settle their stomachs when they are having a particularly tough time eating.

However, even if you give your cat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, they still may not like most fruits. Some fruits, especially citrus ones, can cause damage to your cat’s digestive system.

Citrus fruits, especially those that are high in sugar content, can disrupt the natural order of the digestive system. If this happens, the sugar in the bloodstream will be secreted into the digestive system where it can cause damage.

Even though bananas are relatively safe to feed your pets with, there are still some risks involved. One of the risks is that feeding your cat bananas is that it may cause diarrhea.

This is because the excess sugars in the bananas may cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, which can cause your pet to vomit. Keep in mind that if your pet does vomit, this should be a warning sign that it is in danger.

In addition, although cat foods that have a citrus flavor can taste delicious, they can also cause problems.

Excessive amounts of citric acid in foods, especially if they are not properly cooked, can cause your pets to have a gas-like feeling in their stomach.


If your pet eats large quantities of citrus fruits in a short period of time, this can also lead to stomach upsets. These upsets will only be mild, but they may be dangerous if not treated in time.

To prevent this problem from arising, make sure you prepare your fruits and vegetables in small quantities and do not feed your pets large quantities of citrus fruits.

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